Financial concepts are not well understood by most because they are not taught in most schools, universities or homes. We see the problem and have risen up to become the solution. At Tribute Wealth Management, it is our duty to help each person become educated and empowered.
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Our Mission
Meet the Tribute Wealth Management Team 5:39
The Media
Learn More About Tribute Wealth Management 4:48
Trent Miles & Alisa Cooper Discuss Tribute Wealth Management.
Swiss Army Knife 4:55
Trent Miles of Tribute Wealth Management discusses the Swiss Army Knife approach to financial planning.
Trent Miles Profile 4:41
Trent Miles founded Tribute Wealth Management with the goal of helping as many clients as possible.
Discussing 401(k) Rollovers 2:25
In this episode of Retirement News Online, Trent Miles of Tribute Wealth Management discusses 401(k) rollover options.
Tips for Tax-Advantaged Income in Retirement 1:55
In this episode of Retirement News Online, Trent Miles of Tribute Wealth Management shares tips for tax-advantaged retirement income.
Financial Fuel with Trent Miles 1:51
Trent Miles of Tribute Wealth Management discusses the reasoning and purpose of his radio show.
Educational Videos
What Is Medicare? 4:08
Unlike your Social Security benefit, which you can wait to file for, Medicare gives you a seven-month window to file, which is three months before your 65th birthday, and three months after. Fail to file by 65 and you could pay higher health care premiums for life. This is a complex program, so where do you start? Here are the A, B. Cs—and Ds—of Medicare.
Social Security 101 4:08
When and how you file for Social Security can make a big difference in the amount of retirement benefit income you receive every month, as well as the cumulative amount you will receive throughout your retirement. Here’s some basic information you need to know about Social Security before you file!
How RMDs Work 4:05
Some people are surprised to find that they have less money saved for retirement than they thought due to RMDs (Required Minimum Distributions) which start at age 72. The money you have in retirement accounts like 401(k)s will be taxed as ordinary income when you take it out.
Diversifying Your Portfolio 2:47
As the times change and evolve, so must our definition of diversification. No longer is it about a simple distribution between stocks and bonds. It may be time to consider an asset class that provides both principal protection and guaranteed growth.
Decumulation Vs. Accumulation 3:31
When you decide to retire, you will have to create a monthly income out of the retirement savings you have accumulated. Instead of saving, you’ll be spending; the trick is, how do you keep from running out? It’s a whole different way of dealing with your money!
FIA 101 3:50
An annuity might help you convert your retirement savings into a monthly income that can last as long as you live. You can sometimes think of annuities as your own personal pension. But not all annuities are the same. Learn more about fixed indexed annuities.
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What’s Your Relationship with Your Finances?